Zoo Club
Course Description: Embark on a global safari with our captivating Zoo Club! Each week, we'll journey to a different corner of the world to encounter fascinating animals and uncover their incredible secrets. From the depths of the ocean to the heights of the mountains, we'll explore the diversity of life in the wilderness and learn amazing facts about creatures, big and small.
While the kids learn about animals from far and wide in the FREE program, parents can enjoy one of the fabulous beverages served by an amazing local coffeehouse.
Join us on this exciting adventure as we explore the wonders of the animal kingdom and help support a local small business!
12/05/2024, 12/12/2024, 12/19/2024
Participants must currently be 3 years to 11 years old.
Registration starts on 03/20/2024 and ends on 12/19/2024.
Room: Lobby
Please contact includEDucation if you have any questions.